Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas presents.

This year for all the kids (my nieces and nephews), I made them washcloths. I also made Sophie and Arun their own bath bags. The washcloth patterns I sourced from Ravelry - except for the loveheart one that I made for Lucy, which I designed myself. I was going to make the the other two boys a bath bag each (different design using pure acrylic) but ran out of time, so they got some small store bought toys instead.

The Bags I made from my own pattern in my head. For the main body of the Bags, I dyed some natural coloured pure wool (that was given to me by my Mother In Law) with food colouring. I then crocheted it up and chucked it into the washing machine to full it and shrink it. that way, the mums can wash the bags without any worry. The patterns formed by the dyeing and crocheting process turned out great! The yellow bags top was crocheted with Acrylic and the Green bags top was crocheted with a cotton/acrylic blend that I picked up from Kmart for $1 per ball. Bargain!

Bne SnB Secret Santa Swap.

This year, on the 5th December, the Brisbane SnB (Stitch & Bitch) Group held a Xmas Secret Santa Swap party at the home of the lovely Tash.
Below is the gift I got from BubbleBee (aka Lauren). Isn't it wonderful? the knitted item is a little cap, and the yarn is Baby Alpaca. :-)

##Oops!! just found out that I got it wrong. I actually got this gift from TwistedKitten (aka Christine). Sorry Christine!! *blushes and runs to hide.....*## 29/12/09

Below is a piccy of the present I gave to my Swap partner Slipsthrufingers (aka Kathy). She is a keen "Ducky things" collector, so I made an Amigarumi duck (my first amigarumi toy) and a duck washcloth. Both patterns I got from Ravelry. The little things on the washcloth are stitch markers that my friend Naomi made. She made me a whole heap to give away and sell, so I thought Kathy would like a couple of sets. The yarn is hand spun cotton plied with an acrylic thread, that I picked up from the QSW&FA Christmas Fair. So pretty!

We had a wonderful day and much fun and merriment was had by all. I think more photos can be found on my flickr page (I am Sanity Is Yarn on flickr as well as Ravelry)

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Spinning Pretty

Goodness, December already!! So much for trying to post more often, but November sucked pretty badly, so you don't want to hear about that. But things are a bit better this week - Good friends, my Dad coming home from England tonight, christmas is in the air, school is just about over (thank god - I'm ready for Rory to be on holidays!) and I've been very productive.

Last night a dear friend gave me an early Christmas present - Look what I got!

(sorry for the blurry photo!) I believe it is First Editions Sliver. Don't know what the name of the colourway is, but it's very pretty and extremely bright.
I was very keen to see what it looked like spun up, so this morning I got on my wheel and started spinning - so far I've done one bobbin of singles:


The colours do get a little muddied by the spinning process, but they are still really good. It actually tones it down a bit so it might be a little more wearable anyway. I am thinking about making a "jane hat" (one of those beanies with ear flaps) out of it and a neckwarmer if I have enough too. That will be really cool!

Over the last couple of weeks I have been madly knitting and crocheting ready for Christmas. I decided to give all my nieces and nephews something knitted this year - photos will be posted after the various christmas gatherings so that the receivers don't see it beforehand. ;) More needs to be made anyway.

I have also been working on a couple of small gifts for my secret santa swappee in the Brisbane Stitch N Bitch Christmas Swap. The party is on Saturday afternoon, so again, I'll post pics of what I made and who it was for etc, after that.

If I have time, I am also thinking of crocheting some some small christmas tree decorations for not only our tree but for my families trees. If I don't get them done by this Christmas though, it is no matter, I'll just do a few during the year ready for next christmas.

so many projects... so little time..... *sigh*

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Finished yarn

Last night after posting the blog update, I finished spinning the blue night owl batt and then plied the blue singles and yellow singles together. Here they are separately as a reminder:

I wasn't sure how they would look plied together and although I knew it would be an interesting and textured yarn, I didn't think I would like the colour / effect it would produce. Thankfully, I was wrong - I wasn't a big fan of the yellow/green/ orange singles, but added with the blue, it turned out fantastic!

I've called the yarn "Orange Flecks"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Busy Spinning

Today has been a productive day. First up this morning I had a meeting with Rory's class teacher and Special needs teacher. It went well and was very positive. yay! Then I came home and started on about 4 loads of washing - mainly bedding stuff. In between each load, I got heaps of spinning done. The first thing I had to do was finish plying some purple wool I started a while ago, then put it on the Niddy Noddy (skein maker) (piccy above). The skein is about 190g and will go with the other 196g of the same yarn I spun up at Mapleton Camp back in July. I am hoping to make a nice shawl thing out of it.

After getting the purple yarn off the wheel, I started spinning two of my batts from the Fibre Fun Day. Here is the White one I decided to spin first (turns out that it had a lot of blue in it though, more blue than white):

I then spun this pink/green one:

And this is the result of them plied together - Pretty. I reckon it looks a bit like a "mixed lollie bag".

After I had put the "mixed lollie bag" yarn on the Niddy Noddy, I started to spin the yellow/orange/green batt I made on Wednesday night at night owls. Here it is 1/2 spun up so you can see the batt as well:

Once that was spun into a single thread I put on a new bobbin and started to spin the blue/green batt I also made on Wednesday night. I haven't finished spinning this yet, but here is a pic of it about 1/3 done:
Once the blue is spun, I am thinking of plying it with the yellow to create a very different and textured yarn. It will be interesting to see what it turns out like!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Some knitting photos....

I have completed a couple of items in the last few days.

A cotton washer for someone special (shh... it's a secret!)

Finally finished this beanie for Deb at bowling - Have been working on it for weeks as I got distracted by reading Jane Austen novels :)

Some pretty batts that I made up on Wednesday, made up from some of the leftovers from the fun day. Will make more next week with the rest of the left-overs. The Electric Drum Carder is so much easier and quicker to use than the hand drum carders. Such Fun!!

Fun Day Photos

Colin, Chantelle, & Julie... Along with the mess of fibre on the ground.

Lindel's new hair do!

table of 23 batts. I wish I could have felted them all down into a pretty table-cloth!

Kylie, Lindel, Betsy and Vicki

The three batts I got. Purdy!

I unfortunately did not get any pics of Jacquline, Jen or Annie. Hopefully someone else did and I can copy them later.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fibre Fun Day 10th October

Yesterday, I had a great day. I invited over some knitting and spinning friends to have a Fibre Fun day - making batts of wool on a couple of small drum carders for spinning, spinning and eating LOTS of yummy food that people had brought. 10 people came!!!! We had an absolutely wonderful time, pooling our stashes of fibre and creating colourful batts.

One of the group was also dyeing skeins of wool in a pot, using mulberries as the dye source. It was going really well until for some reason my portable gas stove that she was using decided to burst into flames! That was a bit of excitement to say the least. Thankfully I had a fire blanket handy in the kitchen that smothered the fire pretty quickly - but it ended her dyeing session and completely ruined the little stove and melted & warped the plastic table it was sitting on. Oh well, what's a decent party without a little fire? LOL

The reason (other than to get together to have fun) I decided to have this fun day, is because yesterday was my "heart day" - the anniversary of my first open heart surgery when I was one. It is like a second little birthday to me, as until then I really didn't live or develop like normal babies. Most years, in celebration of this, Mum makes me a love heart shaped cake. It was so nice, because one of the ladies, on hearing this prior to the day, cooked a love heart shaped cake especially for me. :D I nearly cried in happiness, because my mum is staying with my grandmother at the moment and so wasn't going to be making one for me this year. And better than that, when I cut it, every one sang "happy heart day" (like happy birthday) to me!

So I had a great day, am feeling extremely blessed to have so many wonderful and like minded friends, even if I am completely exhausted today and will probably have to rest a lot for the next few days. It was so worth it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Checking in....

I haven't written for a long time - I'm not going to apologise, I have been busy. But I've just found out I have one follower, so for their sake (whoever they are), I'm going to write. For my sake too - I really don't care if anyone reads this, it's a good way for me to remember things that have been happening in my life, but if other people enjoy it too, then great!

In the earlier parts of this year, I did LOTS of knitting and crocheting. Heaps. If you are on Ravelry, you can see (or at least read about) all of my projects. I've been careful to remember to list every one as I made it. My Ravelry name is Sanityisyarn. The main thing I've knitted though are fingerless gloves on commission. Woot - I got paid for knitting!

In the last couple of months though, the crafting has given way to reading. I hadn't read much in ages, and then a few of my Brisbane Stitch 'n' Bitch friends started a Jane Austen Book Club. Although I haven't been involved in the book club, I decided to start reading some of Jane Austens novels, as I never had had the inclination or time before and thought at the age of thirty two, it was about time I experienced some "classic" literature. Well, once I read one, i thought "I just might see what this other one is like". This has continued and I now have read all but one of her novels (Mansfield Park). I plan to purchase or borrow this book shortly .

I can't really say that I love Jane Austens works, but once I got used to the language and spelling and old fashioned ways, I have certainly enjoyed most of them.

I must admit though, that both Emma and Northanger Abbey had me wanting to slap the main characters! Insufferable silly wenches they were. I know that that is part of the story, that they are silly in the beginning and then realised it and mended their ways, but still, it was maddening. The rest of the story of both was entertaining enough though that I still enjoyed reading them.

The other problem I have with Jane Austen is that she will go into great detail about something not very interesting (like the size and shape of a ball room and the discussions into whether it will fit the number of guests invited comfortably), but then gloss over the marriage proposal near the end of the story. That is the part I want to read about! I am one of these people who like to know all the details. I don't want to read "And in the course of the walk.... Catherine was assured of his affection; and that heart in return was solicited..... " (there was more in that sentence but it was long and not much in it). I want to read exactly his words, exactly her words, their thoughts and the detail. I like the romance and the bumbling wording of the man (because, lets face it, men usually bumble a bit while proposing). Most of these stories are all leading up to this point where the heroine/s are proposed to and then it is maddeningly glossed over in the matter of a paragraph or two. AGGHH!

But apart from those two issues, I can see why they have been successful these almost two hundred years and I have enjoyed reading them. I have enjoyed learning about society in the 1800's, as well as what was expected of ladies of consequence, attitudes to money and the manners and ettiquette towards others. The stories are mostly put together well and are quite entertaining. My favorite out of all of Jane Austens works so far would have to be Sense And Sensibility. Because, on the main part, it is very sensible and a good fun story.

Amongst Jane Austen, I also read Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. Now that is a good story! I enjoyed it immensely.

Apart from reading and knitting, not too much has happened. Lachlan got another job, doing what he has been doing for the last two years, but thankfully this time much closer to home at Samford. It is a much better working environment (less dodgy and more relaxed) and he is home at a reasonable time of day and isn't always so awfully tired as he was. He is more relaxed and happier than he has been in a while and this has helped things to be better at home.
Rory is doing ok at school and is on holidays at the moment. He starts term four of year 5 on monday. I can't believe it's almost the end of another year! He turned 10 in August! Time is marching on so fast, it's hard to keep up.

A couple of weekends ago, we went to the Neurum Creek Music Festival and had an absolutely awesome time with other folky friends. Mum, Dad, my Brother Dave, his wife Emily and their daughter Sophie were there as well and so it was great to have a real family time as well.

This week Dad unfortunately had to race over to England as my Grandfather is not well due to an infection and other health issues. Dad has gone to help with his care and will be over there for up to 3 months. But, we are all trying to look at things positively and it's great that Dad will get to spend this time with Grandad.

Well, I've written quite a bit here today, and it is now time to start getting dinner organised etc. I have got Spinners (QSW&FA) on tonight, so had better get moving.
Until next time,
Love Peace and Joy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hervey bay trip photos

Lachlan fishing at sunset on the rocks at Gattagers Bay
Lachlan & Rory on the "MaryAnne" train in Queens Park, Maryborough. 
Rory posing with his fishing rod at sunset on the rocks.
Rory proudly showing off his bream (too small to eat, but a great catch!)
Sunset from Hervey Bay beach at Torquay - 15 april 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Thank you everyone so much for all your blessings, best wishes, prayers, positive thoughts, comments, candle lighting and anything else you have done for me over the past week.  This week has really shown me how many wonderful friends I have all around the world and how many people have been thinking of me.  It has really blown me away.  You all are  wonderful and I am so blessed to have you all in my life.  

So, as you may have guessed, all went really well.  The doctor was able to remove both the body of the pacemaker and the broken lead and replace both with newer versions.  Both the pacemaker and all the leads are working really well and I'm feeling so much better already (although, of course I am still very sore and stiff from the surgery and  from being able to sleep in only one or two relatively comfy positions.)  Hopefully this pacemaker will last another 7 years at least and hopefully the leads all will remain working for a lifetime. 

Due to the nature of the procedure (and all the digging through scar tissue they had to do), the op went for a little longer than expected and more anesthetic was used than expected.  Hence on Wednesday night I was sooo sick.  YUCK.   It also took a good two or so days to get the anesthetic and other drugs out of my system and become stable on my feet again.  I was released from hospital on Friday morning still a bit wobbly and nauseous, but otherwise fine. 

So, I am just taking things really easy for the next week or so.  I will be able to drive again from about Friday and should be able to bowl with my right arm the Friday after that if I'm gentle.  I should be back to doing heavier, more full on things (like lifting washing baskets and nephews and nieces) in about 6 weeks.  

Once again, thank you for your fantastic support
Blessings to you all 
Jenny xxooxx

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Todays the day

3 hours to go before I am admitted.  I am feeling so much better mentally today.  Although I'm still pretty nervous and very tired 'cause I hardly slept at all last night.  

Thank you everyone for your love, hugs and best wishes.  I really couldn't get through this without you all.  I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends all around the world who are praying for and thinking of me.  In particular though, I would like to thank all of my family, my friends online and in real life including; Tina, Betsy, Anushka, Karen, Leah, Stormy, Lindsay, Naomi, Jacqui and Fran.   You guys are the BEST!!  (i sound like I'm winning an oscar LOL) 

Anyways, gotta go get organised (haven't packed for the hospital or anything yet) and I will see you all when I get out.  Better and Brighter (and probably a little pinker) than before.  :) 

Love peace and Joy
Jenny xxooxxoo

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I would like to apologise to those whom I may have offended in my last post, due to my blaspheming and cursing God.  I do not usually do this, but was in a bit of a bad state last night (if you couldn't guess! ;-) )   I won't apologise for my other swearing, as hey, i do swear and I really don't give two hoots about it.  But as I know there are a few people who read my blog who may be offended by the blaspheming, I am sorry to those people.  

I am feeling a little better mentally this morning (if not really physically) and am determined to make this a better day.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

40 hours and counting.

warning:  Big rant ahead.  read at own discretion. 

Ok, so I'm starting to freak out a bit now.  It is now about 8:30pm Monday night (Brissy time).  I am to be admitted to the hospital at midday Wednesday.  That's just under 40 hours to go.  In some ways it still seems too far away.  In other ways it is so close it is scary.  Most of me just wants to get this over and done with.  I'm sick of having a broken pacemaker and the crappiness that goes along with it.   I want it to happen tomorrow, not the next day.  but of course, then there's the part of me that wants to just run away and not have to deal with it at all.  

I have actually been doing really well considering.  I have been resting a lot and looking after myself, so when I do go out and about or whatever, I have looked and felt pretty good.  

This morning was like that too.  Was really pretty good.  Went for a cuppa with a couple of friends down at a local coffee and cake shop then went over to my parents place where I chatted to my parents, my sisters and family friend Sean, played with the baby, fed the baby (my sister's baby Arun) etc.  I was good, it was great, but it might have been too much.  Halfway through lunch, it hit.  the blood that had been in my brain was obviously needed at the stomach to help process the food.  Not much blood to the brain is not good.  I broke out in a sweat, my head felt like it was about to implode.  I had to get horizontal fast. so in the middle of lunch i suddenly said "excuse me" then got off my chair and lay on the floor directly next to it, with feet up on the chair.   Once I recovered a little I went for a lie down on a spare bed.  Mum got me a cold face washer and I went to sleep.  Thankfully, I was somewhere where I could do that.  I slept solidly for over an hour.  Mum came to check on me a couple of times and at one stage checked that I was still breathing, I was so still.  Dad went and picked up Rory from school for me (God bless my Parents) and thankfully by the time they got home, I was awake and in a better state.  

I've probably made all that sound worse than it was, but I will admit it was a bit scary.  It is those episodes that make me want to get this done with. 

 I hate this.  I know I should feel blessed that it is not worse.  I have a friend on Ravelry who is currently in hospital waiting for a new heart.  She has been in the same hospital bed for the last two months.  She gets to see her little boy only once a week.  And after that hour or so with him is so exhausted that she sleeps for hours afterwards.   I know that in a number of years, that could well be me.  I know that this might get worse eventually.  I should be happy that I am still up and about.  That I still am well enough to spend lots of time with my family and friends, even if I am a bit slow and tired.  

But it still sucks god damn it.  

I keep reading these things about sick kids or people and they say "oh, she was so brave.  She never asked 'why me?', or cried about it. "   Bullshit. I bet she did cry about it and wonder why her, she just might not have said it to you.  And even if she did cry etc, would it really make her less brave?  Is someone who does say 'why me' and cry, less of a person because of it?  I'm sorry, I'm human. Most of the time I do cope with this well.  Most of the time I just take it in my stride - It's just something I've gotta do, and I'll do it.  But there are times when I do ask "why me?" and cry about it.  Because I get sick of feeling so crappy.  I want to do what a lot of other people do.  My heart (both physically and figuratively) is tired.  It just wants to stop. It just wants a rest.  

But, I will keep fighting on.  'Cause I've got a wonderful family to support and to support me.  I have heaps of things in this life worth living for.  I will get through this and get through this well.  I just needed to have a "blahh" as my hubby says.  Have it all out, have a rant and then, as my darling boy (the little old man) says:  "mum, just build a bridge, and get over it!"  I will build and cross this bridge.  I will get over it.  

Thanks for listening. 

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Surgery in under 3 weeks - EEK!

So, I've been having some issues with my pacemaker.  I thought it was the battery starting to go a bit low.  Thought I might need to get it replaced in oh, about 4 or 5 months time.  Thought it would be a simple "out with the old machine, in with the new and attach it to the existing leads", no drama, no complications, all good.  

Well... almost.  I do need it replaced.  But not because the battery is playing up (It's still got more than 6 months life left in it), but because one of the *&^%Y^$ leads has broken.  BROKEN!  

 I have 4 leads - one going to the top half of the heart (the Atriums), one going back from the atriums to the pacemaker, one going to the bottom half of the heart (the ventricles) and one going back from the ventricles to the pacemaker. 

 The lead that is broken is the one sending the current from the pacemaker to the ventricles, which means the electrical current is not getting to the lower half of my heart and then not going back up the last lead to the pacemaker.  This means that the bottom half of my heart is not pumping as it should (as it is relying on my own natural pace maker - the sinus node- to send electric currents through, which it doesn't do very well, hence the need for the pacemaker.) and causing all sorts of weird palpitations and things to be happening.  Not to mention not getting the blood around my body really well, causing me to go blue occasionally and feeling faint every now and then.  

So, I'm going in for surgery on the 18th March.  That is three weeks from yesterday.  They will replace the pacemaker and try to pull out the old lead and replace it with a new lead.  Only problem is, the old lead could have grown attached to the vein it is in (due to scar tissue etc) and if they pull it out, it could cause a rupture of the vein.  That would not be good!  So, if it doesn't look like it is going to come out easily, they will have to leave it in there and just put the new one in over the top - which also comes with a few risks. 

I will admit I am feeling rather apprehensive about the whole thing.  I know it will most likely all go fine and I will be out of hospital the next day and all will be good again.  But there is still that risk, and the fact that it has all happened so suddenly and I have to go in so soon.  I wasn't even expecting to see my Electro-Cardiologist until NEXT monday, and wasn't expecting an op for another few months - so to be suddenly told that everything is a little more complicated than expected and that the doctor will fit me in for surgery in three weeks time (If you don't have to have emergency surgery right then and there, that's good, but if the doctor fits you in in three weeks - well that means it's still pretty urgent) - it's all a little unnerving to tell you the truth.   

Anyhoo, I'm sure I'll be fine.  I just need to take deep breaths and try to take it as easy as possible over the next few weeks.   

walks away saying "it'll be cool, it'll be cool" 

Monday, February 16, 2009

I WON!!!

This morning at about 3am QLD time (about 1pm EST American time), the lovely moderators of the Knutty Knitters Group on Ravelry chose the winner of the Love2LoveU contest. And the winner is ME!!   I am so excited.   This means that I will receive a box of various yarns from America.  Whoo Hoo!   It will be a few weeks before I will receive it, because the moderators live a fair distance apart and so one of them will have to send the other some of the yarn that is going into the parcel, then the other moderator has to pack it all up and send it to Australia from America.  But that's  ok - the waiting is part of the fun.   I'm just so happy I've won something.  I've never won a knitting competition before.  (mind you, I don't think I've actually been in one before - lol) 

I'm so pleased that I joined in with this contest, even if I hadn't won.  It was so nice knitting something so fun for GrandMary, and then giving it to her was the best.  She smiled and laughed so much - she loved them.  GrandMary has been a bit depressed lately, so this really cheered her up, and that really cheered me up too.  Mind you, it was even better this morning, being able to call her to tell her that I had won the contest - she had picked up the phone with a very morose sounding "hello", but ended the call with her laughing and smiling (I could tell she was smiling from her voice).  That was a good feeling.  

I just wanted to also mention the other talented knitters in the group, especially BettyKnitter from England - I really thought her Scented Love Heart decorations would win the day as she really put some effort into them and they were very beautiful.  Well done everyone, it was a great comp, and it was so lovely to see your entries too.  I had lots of fun and we'll have to something again sometime.  

YAY  happy dance!

Love peace and Joy

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I feel good about this year, knitting wise.  I am trying to remain monogamous with my projects and really work on each project methodically - It seems to be working.  I have already knitted two reasonable sized projects since Dec 19th last year, and am half way through a third.  I also have at least two lined up with the right needles, pattern and yarn at the ready.  Last year I only completed one major project and just did a few small ones - also started a few and didn't finish them.  I really want to do a lot more this year.  
So, the first project that I did, (starting on the 19th Dec, finishing on the 19th Jan - one month, I am so proud!) was a very low cut cardigan with leaf ties that I found on   I had finally found the perfect pattern for my own handspun, purple 14 micron superfine merino.  Here is a piccy of the finished product:  

The next project I did was for the Love2LoveU contest we held on our Group, Knutty Knitters Unraveled.   The idea
 was that we had to create something that was love heart themed and then give it to someone we love.   I made 3 love heart shaped cushions of different sizes and gave them to my Grandmother, GrandMary.  GrandMary  was thrilled to bits with them. 
At the moment I am knitting a present for someone, so I can't say too much about it yet.  I am about 1/2 way through, so hopefully I will be able to post about it (and add piccys) of it in a couple of weeks at the most.    
Yesterday, my Mother & Father In Law got back from a two week cruise to New Zealand.  My Mum-in-law is so fantastic, she brought me back 200g of lace weight (2ply) pure New Zealand Merino yarn, Hand - Dyed.  YUM!!   It is sooo soft, squishy & pretty.  I am planning to make a lace shawl out of it.  I'll probably be able to make 2.....   Will try to get a pic taken of the two 100g skeins tomorrow.  I'll have to take them up to my parents place and use their camera as mine is stuffed and I won't be able to afford a new one for some time yet.  
Anyways, that's it on the knitting front for me for the moment.  
love peace and Joy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update on earlier post

Todays death toll in Victoria now stands at 181 and rising - the authorities are now saying up to 300 lives could be lost in total.... up from the 200 predicted yesterday. 

I have just watched the news and also found that I made a mistake in my earlier post today.  I said that no-one had died in the floods up in NQ.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  7 people have reportedly been lost due to the floods.   I have also realised that many houses have been so damaged in the floods, they are ruined, as is pretty much everything in them.  The floods have been that severe.  The loss of property and life up there is still nowhere near as high as down in VIC, but still unimaginable and devastating to those affected.   I send my love, my prayers and my condolences to all those affected by the floods and fires.  

As one Member of Parliament said today, those of us between Victoria and North QLD are literally standing between Hell and High Water. 

Sad Times

This week is one where Australia is in Mourning.  As of 8am today, 173 people have died in bushfires in Victoria, Australia.  More bodies are expected to be found and at least 10 of the many injured are expected to die. It is likely that the count will rise to above 200.  200 people dead. That's just mind numbing.  At least 2 towns have been completely decimated. The people who lived there have absolutely nothing to go back to.  No schools, no jobs, no home.  

 What we had in November with the storms, was considered to be a disaster.  But compared to this, it was no disaster, merely a shock and inconvenience.  No one in The Gap died.  most people have homes to live in and although many are still damaged, they can be repaired.  Those who's homes need to be rebuilt have family and friends in the area that they can live with.  People here still have jobs to go to and their kids can still attend school.  We can still keep a sense of normality.  The people down in Victoria can't do this, and won't be able to do this for a long time. 

On top of the bushfires in Victoria, there is another disaster zone in Australia.  That is in North and Far North Queensland.  From fire down south, we go to Floods and rain up north. Whole towns have been cut off, roads are damaged, property and livestock are lost.  But as yet, even this disaster is not anywhere near as bad as the conditions in Victoria.  Often, things can be salvaged after a flood.  Clothes and some other things can be washed and dried to be worn again. Metal and glass objects can be cleaned and re-used.  Houses can often be moved back into and fairly easily be repaired.  As yet, no-one has died as a direct consequence of the floods. 

I guess what has really got to me with all of this, is that it was predicted.  It was predicted years ago, that within the decade we would get this type of thing happening because of Climate Change.  Climate change would cause extra hot and long summers, dry in drier areas and super wet in the tropics.  We were warned that there would be floods, fire and higher king tides.  But people poo poo'd this notion.  Governments refused to act enough to prevent this from happening, because "we have to protect the economy" and they feared the public would backlash in the elections and "there is no proof that that will happen, it is only a theory".  
  Well guess what people?  The economy has gone to shit anyway and now we don't have the money to cope with these disasters. It wasn't just a theory - it is all happening.  In the last few months we have had the higher than average king tides, the floods, fires and destructive storms. Climate Change is here, it is affecting us now.  If the governments and big businesses actually had done all the right things back then, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.  And even if these disasters still occured, maybe we might have better resources and ideas on how to deal with it. 
But let's not focus too much on the past.  Let's look to the future.  Let's us gather around and support those in need.  Let us look at what we can do to prevent these events from having such horrific impacts on us and campaign for a change in attitude.  

There is one good thing that has come out of all this - and that is the community spirit.  It is so wonderful to hear the stories of heroics, kindness and love for others, even strangers.  People are rallying to support the people affected.  Donations are flooding in.  Housing is being offered. People are getting to know each other again.  We are learning once again that neighbours, family and friends are so important.  Being involved in the community is rewarding and more important than just focusing on our jobs and our own lives.  People are starting to move away from the material and remembering the spirit.  Let's keep that going, even long after the fires have burnt out, floods have receded, grass grown back and houses have been built.  Let us remember that LOVE is the greatest healer and teacher of all.  

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow, it's 2009 already.  I can't believe how fast the years have gone.  In some ways it only feels like last year was the beginning of 2000 and everyone was worried about the end of the world as we knew it due to the Y2K bug - wasn't that the scam of the decade - computer companies made millions and then nothing happened.   But that was 9 years ago!  

I was thinking last night how this year (2008) seemed to be the year I really started to feel like an adult.  Up until now, i've still felt a little like I have been almost pretending to be an adult - or at least felt like a really young person doing adult things.  But now, I have become comfortable in the fact that I am in my 30's and well and truly an adult.  I don't even understand teenagers these days - what the hell is wrong with them, especially those emo ones?  
Then I started thinking about how I have been married 13 years (ok, so officially I have only been married 12 years & about 4 months, but Lach and I moved in together on 1st Jan 1996 and agreed on that date that we were married even if we didn't have the paperwork yet) and have a child who this year will be 10 years old.  That means I have been a mother for a decade and a wife for even longer!   Ahgh, scary.    I was a bit freaked out about that, but then I told myself to get over it, enjoy it, be glad I am still married and not a divorcee at 31 like a lot of other people and went to sleep.  

No, I didn't have a big one last night.  I just went over to the in-laws for dinner, watched a bit of TV for a while then went to bed in the air-conditioned room about 10pm.  Bliss.   I'm telling you now, I wish I could have stayed in that room all day.  It is a scorcher here today and so humid I reckon by the end of the day I'll have produced my own weight in sweat.  YUK. 

So, Christmas!   We had a good one.  Very quiet and relaxing really.  The best presents I got were:  A rice cooker (Thanks Dave and Em),  2 nice and cool cotton tank tops that are very stylish (thanks Carol) and the best one of the lot I bought for myself:  A Knitpicks Harmony Wooden Circular Knitting Needle Set - Absolutely awesome.   I have already knitted half a cardigan on them out of the 14micron Superfine Merino I spun up over a year ago.  It has been waiting in my stash until I had both a pattern and some needles to do it justice.  And these needles are just the ticket.  I love, love, love them!  What the picture in the link doesn't show, is they also come with a fantastic needle sizer/gauge measure tool and little label rings to hang on the cables to tell you what size needles you are using on that section.  Fantastic!   They are so wonderful to knit with, I swear my knitting has become a bit faster with them.  

Whoo, I think I'm a bit too hot to type anymore.  I hope everyone had a good Christmas & New years and that your 2009 will be filled with happiness and peace.  Mwahh!