Thursday, December 03, 2009

Spinning Pretty

Goodness, December already!! So much for trying to post more often, but November sucked pretty badly, so you don't want to hear about that. But things are a bit better this week - Good friends, my Dad coming home from England tonight, christmas is in the air, school is just about over (thank god - I'm ready for Rory to be on holidays!) and I've been very productive.

Last night a dear friend gave me an early Christmas present - Look what I got!

(sorry for the blurry photo!) I believe it is First Editions Sliver. Don't know what the name of the colourway is, but it's very pretty and extremely bright.
I was very keen to see what it looked like spun up, so this morning I got on my wheel and started spinning - so far I've done one bobbin of singles:


The colours do get a little muddied by the spinning process, but they are still really good. It actually tones it down a bit so it might be a little more wearable anyway. I am thinking about making a "jane hat" (one of those beanies with ear flaps) out of it and a neckwarmer if I have enough too. That will be really cool!

Over the last couple of weeks I have been madly knitting and crocheting ready for Christmas. I decided to give all my nieces and nephews something knitted this year - photos will be posted after the various christmas gatherings so that the receivers don't see it beforehand. ;) More needs to be made anyway.

I have also been working on a couple of small gifts for my secret santa swappee in the Brisbane Stitch N Bitch Christmas Swap. The party is on Saturday afternoon, so again, I'll post pics of what I made and who it was for etc, after that.

If I have time, I am also thinking of crocheting some some small christmas tree decorations for not only our tree but for my families trees. If I don't get them done by this Christmas though, it is no matter, I'll just do a few during the year ready for next christmas.

so many projects... so little time..... *sigh*


Bel said...

That is awesome!!!

Karen said...

Love the way that's spinning up. Can't wait to see it plied!

The Girl in the Pink Dress said...

Oooh I like it. I love yarn... yours always turns out beautiful and unique! I posted a link to your blog on my sidebar, I hope more people visit. I like learning about spinning- hopefully will get to do it someday!
The Girl in the Pink Dress