Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tired today...But got YARN

I am very tired today. I had to look after my little friend Monty today (he's three), but thankfully he was happy to play quietly (he is SUCH a good kid), and I was able to just sit in front of the t.v. most of the time. I guess i am just getting a little sick of being sick - with something unknown.... Oh, well. will go to bed early tonight I think.

The good news today: I got the latest edition of Yarn Magazine in the mail this afternoon! Gosh I love this mag. It always has really interesting articles as well as some good patterns. The thing i like most about it is that it is not just a knitting mag, but also always has articles about dyeing and often spinning as well. If you have never seen this mag, click on the link below and you'll be taken to their website.

Second good news: Yesterday I showed off my bag to a non-knitter and she said that if it was in a different colour, she would pay up to $100 for it - She thought it was that good! I am thinking I might be knitting one for her soon! Anything to save up for that Ashford Knitting Loom I want!

The not so good news: I don't think I will be able to go to the Lake Perserverence Camp with the Toowoomba Spinners group in October afterall. I would like to, but
(1) I'm going to Adelaide the week before for a holiday (and might want to buy yarn down there!) which will cost us a fair bit of money and
(2) we have been invited to lunch with my Grandfather that weekend and as he is in the country for only a couple of months (usually lives in England - when not travelling - at age 80 something!) it will be nice to catch up.

Both these reasons are not bad, in fact I am looking forward to both going to Adelaide and seeing my Grandfather and his partner Heather, but it just means that I just won't be able to get to the camp.

now.....where did I put that mag again.....I need to be inspired!.....


Anonymous said...

Got my copy of YARN too. Loved the article about Lucy Neatby.

Sorry to hear you won't make it to Lake Perseverance. We'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

We got our copy of Yarn too. Yarn's a good one, it's fun.

As for the potential bag sale: woot!