Saturday, May 17, 2008


I'm finally on Ravelry!  Most of you who read this have been encouraging me for ages, so you can stop hassling now!  For those who don't know about Ravelry, it is an online networking site / community for knitters and crocheters or even general fibre artists of all kinds really.  It's really cool.  I have been hesitant in the past about joining due to a couple of reasons: 
1) It will cause me to spend too much more time on the internet talking and reading about knitting. 
2) I'm not sure whether my broadband plan will cope with the photos, downloads etc if I'm visiting Ravelry, Facebook, this blog, other friends blogs, youtube etc.   (but those same lovely friends who have been encouraging me tell me it should be fine - otherwise i should spend more time at the library on their computers, which brings me back once again to my first reason.)
3) It could increase my stash  - due to all the things I see that I want to do, or buy etc. 
4) It could increase the time I spend on knitting - which is too much already! 

But...... the -aholic in me, and all my addicted friends finally won the day and I got myself onto the Ravelry invite list.   It's funny, most people go to groups like AA to give up on their addictions.  The group I go to, we all help each other become more addicted!  But, at least unlike many other addictions, this one is life giving rather than life taking.  So thank you everyone for finally convincing me!  it really is a fantastic site.   So I think I will go back to it now.......

Oh, BTW, if you are on Ravelry and want to look me up, my handle is:  Sanityisyarn    (i missed out on knitaholic because I waited so long.  but this handle at least relates to this blog too. ) 

Love peace and joy, and I might see you in the knitting world! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


ha! i don't think this takes up as much as facebook. you're just on a forum. facebook has videos and things to download. if you want to keep the broadband diet up, then don't post many photos. you'll be fine.

... sucker!