Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Goodness.... Another month has gone!

And once again I have been really slack about posting.  You know what it is?  I spend ALOT of time on ravelry.  some would say too much.  but too much Rav is NEVER enough!!!!! 

So how am I going to fix this problem of being slack?   I  have a plan.  From today, I will start posting about the things in my life that I am grateful for and I will do this at least once a week, but will try to do it nearly every day.  The Grateful Series.  That's what I'll call it.  

Ok, so lets start.   Today I am Grateful for my Twin Sister Libby.    For a lot of our life, Libby and I have had a bit of difficulty getting along very well (at times that could have been construed as quite the understatement).  But now, things are wonderful and I am so grateful for the friendship as well as sisterhood that we are now sharing together.  It is so good to be able to go over there for a cuppa and just be with her.   I am also so grateful to her for being so open to me wanting to be a really involved aunty to little Arun.  I feel really honoured that when she is feeling a little stressed or over tired, she feels she can call me for help.  So thank you Lib, for being a wonderful sister. 

1 comment:

maggie said...

I love this idea! I think we all need to take time frequently not only to think about what we're grateful for, but to actual write it down and explore it.