Saturday, October 14, 2006

Crap week, but done some knitting.

It's been a week since I last wrote. That is because I have been really sick (again!) with a upper chest and throat and nose thing - absolutely horrible. I guess while my immune system is down, other bugs go "Yeay, lets get her!". I'm slowly getting better though. I need to be well by Tuesday, as I am hoping to see my friend Naomi, and then on Wednesday I am supposed to be working at the Craft Show at the Convention Centre. Once again, please all send me white healing light!

Anyway... I have been doing a bit of knitting. I am still working on my pink/burgundy bag and I have done a little more on the cute Aran baby jumper. The bag has now got a different motif on it to the one I was going to do. Only because I still couldn't find the pattern (have found it since - typical) and I just felt like being creative and making up my own as I went along. Seems to be working out and at this stage is looking quite good. Don't know how well the new pattern will go during the felting process, but couldn't be bothered doing a swatch, so here's crossing fingers!! Will download some photos of both when I have done a little more.

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