Friday, September 14, 2007

Slack, aren't I??

I really do leave it too long between blogs......  

Since I last wrote I haven't done all that much on the craft front,  well, nothing of decent size that I've finished anyway.   I have finished one baby jacket and started on another.  I have spun up some brownish, reddish orangeish  fibre but not yet finished spinning it all up - it got into a bit of a mess, but last night I hired a drum carder from the group, so that should help neaten it all up and make it easier to spin.   

For the last two weeks I've been crocheting a number of hats.  They are supposed to be beanies, but most of them have turned out more like berets.  Oh well, they look pretty good anyway, so I'm happy enough.  I don't usually like to work with acrylic, especially when knitting, but when working on small crochet projects, I don't mind it too much, so I dived into my stash to make them.  I've made a few of different colours, so they can go with different outfits.  My favourite is the black one made from Patons Shivago yarn.  Really soft and shiny.  

Having worked with acrylic for a couple of weeks, I was itching to get back to touching real wool.  I have gone a little extreme though.  Usually I like to spin (and touch) only pre washed, Pre carded fleece, but my next door neighbour donated me a bag of fleece straight from the sheep.  (well, it had been sitting in her cupboard for a year or so, so it is not exactly fresh, but it hasn't been touched since it came off the sheep and put into the bag.)  It's very filthy and greasy so I had been putting off doing anything with it until a couple of days ago.  I wasn't sure how good a quality it would be as it is a bit old, but once I washed and flick carded a bit of it I was pleasantly surprised at how soft and fine the fibre is, how long the staples are (fantastic!) and how crinkley they are.  I am now very keen to wash and card the lot and spin it up.  once I have spun it up I plan to dye it all.  not sure what I'll do with it then, but I look forward to the process, so thanks heaps Pam!  

I'll post photos later..... 

On other news..... I turned 30 last week.  OMG!!!  On my birthday day, a friend came over to give me a facial and a makeover as she is a Mary Kay consultant.  It was very nice and I looked and felt quite beautiful.  That evening was Spinners, so I took along some cake and bubbly and had a wonderful time.  Got a bit pissed though.  Very interesting considering Karen (our pres) then reminded me that she was going to teach me how to  balance up the a cash box etc.  Whoops.  I did it, but I think I may have to be taught again.  The actual counting of money wasn't so bad - did that alright.  The spelling on the receipts on the other hand...... Can you believe i actually asked whether the word "nine" had a "gh"? oh dear.   Oh well, with Karens' guiding hand, we did it well and all was good.  I promise I won't be drunk when I do it again Karen!! 

On Saturday night, Libby (my twin sister - for those of you who didn't know I have one) and I held our first joint birthday party since we were 16.    We even got our younger sister Beccy (who is a folk singer - see ) to be our live entertainment.  I even got up and sang a song with her.  and no one booed me off!! (kidding.  I'm not as good a singer as Bec, but I can hold a tune occasionally. )  The party was great!! there were fairy lights, and food and friends and photos and fun.  Lots of the good F's.  

Love Peace and Joy


Betsy said...

A belated happy birthday! *hug*
Sounds like a fun party :)

Karen said...

Jen, you did all right with the money. Let me know if you need help doing it again next week. Cheers, and glad you had a great birthday!