Ok, here I am again - with photos. So, the first photo is of wool and silk I spun at and after Warwick camp. At camp I also spun up some lovely green wool, but buggered if I can find it now....
The second photo is of some wonderful multi-coloured wool I spun just before Warwick camp and a not quite finished scarf I knitted up out of it. Rory has his eye on this one.
The third photo is of my acheivement this week. I have taught myself (no pattern, nothing) to knit beaded bracelets using perle 8 cotton and 4mm seed beads. Aren't they pretty? I am planning to make a few of them and sell them at open day and to my friends for $10 each. Maybe $12. What do you think they would be worth?
I have already got an order from a 12 year old girl at the school for a pink one - but I have to make it a little smaller than the one pictured as of course she has little wrists. Her mother has agreed to the $10 price tag. Whoo hoo.
Not much else has been happening around here lately. Term 1 just finished yesterday and Rory & Lachlan are now on holidays. This term has really been fantastic for Rory. He is really happy most of the time and is even starting to say that he likes school. The cognative behaviour therapy and having such a wonderfull teacher and motivating rewards in place is really working. His anxiety levels have decreased dramatically. YEAY!!!!
Lachlan is now roughly half way through his diploma and is still enjoying it. He also got a job in the last few weeks as a cleaner at the local shopping centre. this has been really good for him. Combined with quitting smoking (FINALLY) he is actually losing weight and is doing great.
I was really sick last week. I obviously picked up another virus and they just knock me around like you wouldn't believe. I thought I was going to have to go to hospital it got that bad a couple of times. But I just worked through it, and rested a lot and thankfully this week I have been much better.
Well, not much else to say really - except:
HAPPY EASTER!!!! (being good friday today)
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