Goodness. I think it is almost 2 weeks since I last wrote. Last week was pretty awful.... Rory got himself suspended again and this time had to be kept home for 3 days. I was exhausted by the end of it! But, he seems to have pretty much learned his lesson, and he is now seeing a child psychologist once per week and so hopefully we will make it to the end of the year without any more serious incidents - 4 weeks and 4 days to go.... I can't wait for the holidays!
Ok, on to happer stuff! the scarf shown is another done on my new loom. I spent an evening watching Flashdance and Footloose while making this. The warp is a Biggen designs 8ply yarn and the weft is a funky yarn that my fantastic mother-in-law (gosh I love all my parents!) bought for me when she was down in Tassie recently. I still have 2 balls of this left, so I next plan to do one with the warp the funky yarn too.
Yesterday, Paula, Karen, Gillian, Joey and I had a dyeing morning, and Joey and I decided to use Jelly crystals dissolved in hot water as our dyes. The colours from the jelly are quite pretty - but it has put me off eating the stuff!! The end products of my work is shown in the 2nd photo. The wool I used was some lovely fine merino that my brother had got for me from New Zealand. The morning was great and I would have loved to have carried on but other things beckoned....
Yesterday afternoon, I went to my old high school for the farewell service for two of the staff members who were there when I was. They are both finally retiring and as I really appreciated most of my teachers and the staff at the school, I thought it would be great to go along. It was. The service was held in the new chapel and it was really lovely. These days I'm not so into church type stuff and the thought of being in a chapel on a hot day like yesterday would usually be very off putting. However, this chapel is so well designed that most of 3 sides of it open up and as it sits on a hill amongst the trees, a fantastic breeze flows through and it was really rejuvinating. The service also was very good and not too "preachy" or "churchy" at all, buty really showed the love and care that is so prominent within the school. I was very impressed. It was also good, because my dad was one of the people who gave a short farewell speech, so that was good to go and support him. I am really hoping that Rory will be accepted into the school later on, as I think it will really suit him.
Well, I guess I had better go and get started on dinner. The life of a mother is never boring!
whoo hoo... found you. ... but i found you just before i need to go to bed... so... comment later.
so... how far did you get on the jelly scarf?
Hello, Ihatetoast - are you katy? I have finished the warping up of the jelly scarf, but have not yet started on the weft. hopefully tonight. we'll see....
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