Here is THE BAG, felted at least. I have not yet done the handles, but hopefully will have them done by next week. Joey will teach me to icord this evening. The bag is still a lot bigger than I expected and that is after 5 washes. Oh well, It will be a good knitting bag as it should hold heaps - it really was a very big bag before I chucked it into the machine!
Thanks Julie, Karen, Betsy, Ben & Barney for all commenting so nicely on my blog! It's really nice to know that people are reading it and making contact.
Ben - Yes, of course it is! Hopefully we will get down to see you sometime as well, but unfortunatly it won't be very soon.
1 comment:
Comments are good.
I warn you, I intend to pester you with comments whenever I can think of something to say.
And I hope the i-cord lesson went well.
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