This year for all the kids (my nieces and nephews), I made them washcloths. I also made Sophie and Arun their own bath bags. The washcloth patterns I sourced from Ravelry - except for the loveheart one that I made for Lucy, which I designed myself. I was going to make the the other two boys a bath bag each (different design using pure acrylic) but ran out of time, so they got some small store bought toys instead.

The Bags I made from my own pattern in my head. For the main body of the Bags, I dyed some natural coloured pure wool (that was given to me by my Mother In Law) with food colouring. I then crocheted it up and chucked it into the washing machine to full it and shrink it. that way, the mums can wash the bags without any worry. The patterns formed by the dyeing and crocheting process turned out great! The yellow bags top was crocheted with Acrylic and the Green bags top was crocheted with a cotton/acrylic blend that I picked up from Kmart for $1 per ball. Bargain!