In the earlier parts of this year, I did LOTS of knitting and crocheting. Heaps. If you are on Ravelry, you can see (or at least read about) all of my projects. I've been careful to remember to list every one as I made it. My Ravelry name is Sanityisyarn. The main thing I've knitted though are fingerless gloves on commission. Woot - I got paid for knitting!
In the last couple of months though, the crafting has given way to reading. I hadn't read much in ages, and then a few of my Brisbane Stitch 'n' Bitch friends started a Jane Austen Book Club. Although I haven't been involved in the book club, I decided to start reading some of Jane Austens novels, as I never had had the inclination or time before and thought at the age of thirty two, it was about time I experienced some "classic" literature. Well, once I read one, i thought "I just might see what this other one is like". This has continued and I now have read all but one of her novels (Mansfield Park). I plan to purchase or borrow this book shortly .
I can't really say that I love Jane Austens works, but once I got used to the language and spelling and old fashioned ways, I have certainly enjoyed most of them.
I must admit though, that both Emma and Northanger Abbey had me wanting to slap the main characters! Insufferable silly wenches they were. I know that that is part of the story, that they are silly in the beginning and then realised it and mended their ways, but still, it was maddening. The rest of the story of both was entertaining enough though that I still enjoyed reading them.
The other problem I have with Jane Austen is that she will go into great detail about something not very interesting (like the size and shape of a ball room and the discussions into whether it will fit the number of guests invited comfortably), but then gloss over the marriage proposal near the end of the story. That is the part I want to read about! I am one of these people who like to know all the details. I don't want to read "And in the course of the walk.... Catherine was assured of his affection; and that heart in return was solicited..... " (there was more in that sentence but it was long and not much in it). I want to read exactly his words, exactly her words, their thoughts and the detail. I like the romance and the bumbling wording of the man (because, lets face it, men usually bumble a bit while proposing). Most of these stories are all leading up to this point where the heroine/s are proposed to and then it is maddeningly glossed over in the matter of a paragraph or two. AGGHH!
But apart from those two issues, I can see why they have been successful these almost two hundred years and I have enjoyed reading them. I have enjoyed learning about society in the 1800's, as well as what was expected of ladies of consequence, attitudes to money and the manners and ettiquette towards others. The stories are mostly put together well and are quite entertaining. My favorite out of all of Jane Austens works so far would have to be Sense And Sensibility. Because, on the main part, it is very sensible and a good fun story.
Amongst Jane Austen, I also read Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. Now that is a good story! I enjoyed it immensely.
Apart from reading and knitting, not too much has happened. Lachlan got another job, doing what he has been doing for the last two years, but thankfully this time much closer to home at Samford. It is a much better working environment (less dodgy and more relaxed) and he is home at a reasonable time of day and isn't always so awfully tired as he was. He is more relaxed and happier than he has been in a while and this has helped things to be better at home.
Rory is doing ok at school and is on holidays at the moment. He starts term four of year 5 on monday. I can't believe it's almost the end of another year! He turned 10 in August! Time is marching on so fast, it's hard to keep up.
A couple of weekends ago, we went to the Neurum Creek Music Festival and had an absolutely awesome time with other folky friends. Mum, Dad, my Brother Dave, his wife Emily and their daughter Sophie were there as well and so it was great to have a real family time as well.
This week Dad unfortunately had to race over to England as my Grandfather is not well due to an infection and other health issues. Dad has gone to help with his care and will be over there for up to 3 months. But, we are all trying to look at things positively and it's great that Dad will get to spend this time with Grandad.
Well, I've written quite a bit here today, and it is now time to start getting dinner organised etc. I have got Spinners (QSW&FA) on tonight, so had better get moving.
Until next time,
Love Peace and Joy.