Thursday, February 26, 2009

Surgery in under 3 weeks - EEK!

So, I've been having some issues with my pacemaker.  I thought it was the battery starting to go a bit low.  Thought I might need to get it replaced in oh, about 4 or 5 months time.  Thought it would be a simple "out with the old machine, in with the new and attach it to the existing leads", no drama, no complications, all good.  

Well... almost.  I do need it replaced.  But not because the battery is playing up (It's still got more than 6 months life left in it), but because one of the *&^%Y^$ leads has broken.  BROKEN!  

 I have 4 leads - one going to the top half of the heart (the Atriums), one going back from the atriums to the pacemaker, one going to the bottom half of the heart (the ventricles) and one going back from the ventricles to the pacemaker. 

 The lead that is broken is the one sending the current from the pacemaker to the ventricles, which means the electrical current is not getting to the lower half of my heart and then not going back up the last lead to the pacemaker.  This means that the bottom half of my heart is not pumping as it should (as it is relying on my own natural pace maker - the sinus node- to send electric currents through, which it doesn't do very well, hence the need for the pacemaker.) and causing all sorts of weird palpitations and things to be happening.  Not to mention not getting the blood around my body really well, causing me to go blue occasionally and feeling faint every now and then.  

So, I'm going in for surgery on the 18th March.  That is three weeks from yesterday.  They will replace the pacemaker and try to pull out the old lead and replace it with a new lead.  Only problem is, the old lead could have grown attached to the vein it is in (due to scar tissue etc) and if they pull it out, it could cause a rupture of the vein.  That would not be good!  So, if it doesn't look like it is going to come out easily, they will have to leave it in there and just put the new one in over the top - which also comes with a few risks. 

I will admit I am feeling rather apprehensive about the whole thing.  I know it will most likely all go fine and I will be out of hospital the next day and all will be good again.  But there is still that risk, and the fact that it has all happened so suddenly and I have to go in so soon.  I wasn't even expecting to see my Electro-Cardiologist until NEXT monday, and wasn't expecting an op for another few months - so to be suddenly told that everything is a little more complicated than expected and that the doctor will fit me in for surgery in three weeks time (If you don't have to have emergency surgery right then and there, that's good, but if the doctor fits you in in three weeks - well that means it's still pretty urgent) - it's all a little unnerving to tell you the truth.   

Anyhoo, I'm sure I'll be fine.  I just need to take deep breaths and try to take it as easy as possible over the next few weeks.   

walks away saying "it'll be cool, it'll be cool" 

Monday, February 16, 2009

I WON!!!

This morning at about 3am QLD time (about 1pm EST American time), the lovely moderators of the Knutty Knitters Group on Ravelry chose the winner of the Love2LoveU contest. And the winner is ME!!   I am so excited.   This means that I will receive a box of various yarns from America.  Whoo Hoo!   It will be a few weeks before I will receive it, because the moderators live a fair distance apart and so one of them will have to send the other some of the yarn that is going into the parcel, then the other moderator has to pack it all up and send it to Australia from America.  But that's  ok - the waiting is part of the fun.   I'm just so happy I've won something.  I've never won a knitting competition before.  (mind you, I don't think I've actually been in one before - lol) 

I'm so pleased that I joined in with this contest, even if I hadn't won.  It was so nice knitting something so fun for GrandMary, and then giving it to her was the best.  She smiled and laughed so much - she loved them.  GrandMary has been a bit depressed lately, so this really cheered her up, and that really cheered me up too.  Mind you, it was even better this morning, being able to call her to tell her that I had won the contest - she had picked up the phone with a very morose sounding "hello", but ended the call with her laughing and smiling (I could tell she was smiling from her voice).  That was a good feeling.  

I just wanted to also mention the other talented knitters in the group, especially BettyKnitter from England - I really thought her Scented Love Heart decorations would win the day as she really put some effort into them and they were very beautiful.  Well done everyone, it was a great comp, and it was so lovely to see your entries too.  I had lots of fun and we'll have to something again sometime.  

YAY  happy dance!

Love peace and Joy

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I feel good about this year, knitting wise.  I am trying to remain monogamous with my projects and really work on each project methodically - It seems to be working.  I have already knitted two reasonable sized projects since Dec 19th last year, and am half way through a third.  I also have at least two lined up with the right needles, pattern and yarn at the ready.  Last year I only completed one major project and just did a few small ones - also started a few and didn't finish them.  I really want to do a lot more this year.  
So, the first project that I did, (starting on the 19th Dec, finishing on the 19th Jan - one month, I am so proud!) was a very low cut cardigan with leaf ties that I found on   I had finally found the perfect pattern for my own handspun, purple 14 micron superfine merino.  Here is a piccy of the finished product:  

The next project I did was for the Love2LoveU contest we held on our Group, Knutty Knitters Unraveled.   The idea
 was that we had to create something that was love heart themed and then give it to someone we love.   I made 3 love heart shaped cushions of different sizes and gave them to my Grandmother, GrandMary.  GrandMary  was thrilled to bits with them. 
At the moment I am knitting a present for someone, so I can't say too much about it yet.  I am about 1/2 way through, so hopefully I will be able to post about it (and add piccys) of it in a couple of weeks at the most.    
Yesterday, my Mother & Father In Law got back from a two week cruise to New Zealand.  My Mum-in-law is so fantastic, she brought me back 200g of lace weight (2ply) pure New Zealand Merino yarn, Hand - Dyed.  YUM!!   It is sooo soft, squishy & pretty.  I am planning to make a lace shawl out of it.  I'll probably be able to make 2.....   Will try to get a pic taken of the two 100g skeins tomorrow.  I'll have to take them up to my parents place and use their camera as mine is stuffed and I won't be able to afford a new one for some time yet.  
Anyways, that's it on the knitting front for me for the moment.  
love peace and Joy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Update on earlier post

Todays death toll in Victoria now stands at 181 and rising - the authorities are now saying up to 300 lives could be lost in total.... up from the 200 predicted yesterday. 

I have just watched the news and also found that I made a mistake in my earlier post today.  I said that no-one had died in the floods up in NQ.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  7 people have reportedly been lost due to the floods.   I have also realised that many houses have been so damaged in the floods, they are ruined, as is pretty much everything in them.  The floods have been that severe.  The loss of property and life up there is still nowhere near as high as down in VIC, but still unimaginable and devastating to those affected.   I send my love, my prayers and my condolences to all those affected by the floods and fires.  

As one Member of Parliament said today, those of us between Victoria and North QLD are literally standing between Hell and High Water. 

Sad Times

This week is one where Australia is in Mourning.  As of 8am today, 173 people have died in bushfires in Victoria, Australia.  More bodies are expected to be found and at least 10 of the many injured are expected to die. It is likely that the count will rise to above 200.  200 people dead. That's just mind numbing.  At least 2 towns have been completely decimated. The people who lived there have absolutely nothing to go back to.  No schools, no jobs, no home.  

 What we had in November with the storms, was considered to be a disaster.  But compared to this, it was no disaster, merely a shock and inconvenience.  No one in The Gap died.  most people have homes to live in and although many are still damaged, they can be repaired.  Those who's homes need to be rebuilt have family and friends in the area that they can live with.  People here still have jobs to go to and their kids can still attend school.  We can still keep a sense of normality.  The people down in Victoria can't do this, and won't be able to do this for a long time. 

On top of the bushfires in Victoria, there is another disaster zone in Australia.  That is in North and Far North Queensland.  From fire down south, we go to Floods and rain up north. Whole towns have been cut off, roads are damaged, property and livestock are lost.  But as yet, even this disaster is not anywhere near as bad as the conditions in Victoria.  Often, things can be salvaged after a flood.  Clothes and some other things can be washed and dried to be worn again. Metal and glass objects can be cleaned and re-used.  Houses can often be moved back into and fairly easily be repaired.  As yet, no-one has died as a direct consequence of the floods. 

I guess what has really got to me with all of this, is that it was predicted.  It was predicted years ago, that within the decade we would get this type of thing happening because of Climate Change.  Climate change would cause extra hot and long summers, dry in drier areas and super wet in the tropics.  We were warned that there would be floods, fire and higher king tides.  But people poo poo'd this notion.  Governments refused to act enough to prevent this from happening, because "we have to protect the economy" and they feared the public would backlash in the elections and "there is no proof that that will happen, it is only a theory".  
  Well guess what people?  The economy has gone to shit anyway and now we don't have the money to cope with these disasters. It wasn't just a theory - it is all happening.  In the last few months we have had the higher than average king tides, the floods, fires and destructive storms. Climate Change is here, it is affecting us now.  If the governments and big businesses actually had done all the right things back then, maybe we wouldn't be in this situation.  And even if these disasters still occured, maybe we might have better resources and ideas on how to deal with it. 
But let's not focus too much on the past.  Let's look to the future.  Let's us gather around and support those in need.  Let us look at what we can do to prevent these events from having such horrific impacts on us and campaign for a change in attitude.  

There is one good thing that has come out of all this - and that is the community spirit.  It is so wonderful to hear the stories of heroics, kindness and love for others, even strangers.  People are rallying to support the people affected.  Donations are flooding in.  Housing is being offered. People are getting to know each other again.  We are learning once again that neighbours, family and friends are so important.  Being involved in the community is rewarding and more important than just focusing on our jobs and our own lives.  People are starting to move away from the material and remembering the spirit.  Let's keep that going, even long after the fires have burnt out, floods have receded, grass grown back and houses have been built.  Let us remember that LOVE is the greatest healer and teacher of all.