Last week the Craft and Quilt Show was on at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center, so I worked there for about 7 hours stretching over Thursday and Saturday for my friend Jane from The Fibre Hut. For this time of doing what I love (selling fibre, demonstrating and talking about my passion to everyone) I got a free entry into the show as well as a little payment for my time. Whoo hoo! So see the photo above of the drop spindle set? That's what I treated myself to with the money (and a little extra out of my pocket). Sorry the photo isn't very clear as my digital camera is busted so I have to use my mobile phone at the moment. but aren't they beautiful?? They're so nice to use - weighted really well and not too big - even the biggest one. Sigh..... :)
The other photo is the contents of a present sent to me by my lovely "Secret Pal" Charmaine in Singapore. (yes, it was supposed to be a secret, but as I only know one person in Singapore, I know who sent it). You see, I am part of a group of lovely ladies on Ravelry called the Knutty Knitters Unraveled Group, and we started doing a Secret pal swap, where we were all given a name and address of another person in the group and we had to send them a present anonamously (?spelling?), but as there was so few of us participating and we have all gotten to know each other so well, it was pretty easy to guess who our Pals are. But aren't the little gifties fantastic? if you can't tell what they are from the crappy photo - there is some matching writing paper/book marks/and envelopes (which have writing on them that I can't read! lol), some cover-with-fabric buttons and a gorgeous little hand-made bag with my name stitched on the front. I feel special! Thank you Charmaine!!! :)