Now, Good news time..... Lachlan has got a proper job!!!! he will start on Oct 2nd. Whoo hoo!! Lachlan put in for a very lower level job with a land management type company on Monday afternoon last week. It was for just walking along roadsides etc spraying weeds and things, and I personally felt that it was a bit of a waste of his talents, but it would at least get him into a company where he could get his foot into the door of the industry, so to speak. Anyway, he got a phone call from the company on Tuesday afternoon, asking him to come in for an interview on Thursday morning.
When Lachlan got there, he saw the person who was doing the interviews for the weeding job. The first thing the guy said was that he had looked over Lachs' resume, and Lach was way over qualified for that particular job. He was so impressed with Lachs' application though, that he had arranged for Lach to have an interview while he was there with the head of one of the other departments in the company. The job he would be going for would be actually going out to sites and working out a pest management plan for the area. Exactly the type of thing Lachlan has been trained in and really wants to do!! So Lachlan had the interview for that on Thursday morning and on Friday morning as we were packing to go camping for the weekend, he got a call saying he had got the job! It is an entry level position still, but there looks like there will be opportunities for promotion, so that is fantastic.
The only downsides of the job is that for the first few months at least he will have to commute down to the Gold Coast (the head office is down there), and that he will be working 10hr days (4 days/week though), starting at 6am. Which means he will have to leave home before 5am each working day. Hopefully in a few months though he will be moved to the Brendale office, which is still a fair way from our home, but nowhere near as far as the Gold Coast office.
This past weekend we have been at the Neurum Creek Acoustic Music Festival, at Neurum Creek Bush Retreat (NCBR) camping park, between Woodford and Kilcoy in South East QLD. Man, what a great weekend. It is a very small music festival (one stage only) and only in its 2nd year, but it will be happening next year, and I fully plan to return. Because the festival is held at the NCBR it is very nicely contained and they can only really have a certain number of people. Although the festival can certainly be bigger next year, it cannot get really big.
The NCBR is also a perfect spot for children - especially of Rorys age. It is the kind of place that he can just hop on his bike and ride off for a while. they have a dirt bike path as well as childrens activities, and a great creek runs along the length of the park for them to play in. He was able to just go off and he knew that he'd be able to find us easily as we would only either be at the camp site or the stage. So relaxing for Lachlan & I! We plan to holiday there often, even when the music festival isn't on.
The festival was on from Friday arvo, until Sunday arvo, so we picked Rory up from school at Lunchtime on Friday and decided to stay until this morning, so he got a day off school today too. Rory is one very happy boy! He was so good all weekend too. We are so proud of him. We really have managed to get his stress and anxiety levels down so much - They are almost non existent now. well, only as much as is normal for an 8 year old anyway. Things are going so great for Rory these days, our life is so much easier and we are all so much happier. Whoo Hoo!