Ok, so I know it has been ages since I last posted. I envy Katy (ihatetoast) as she is a fantastic writer and has no shame - therefore her posts are regular, long and usually the funniest things I have read in a very long time (the latest I loved was the "A day of beauty" post - bikini wax goes horribly wrong!) Unfortunately, I can't write that well and even if I could, nothing quite that funny (not so funny for her at the time, but funny later) or unfortunate happens to me. Although.... that might be a good thing! Katy - I love you. Keep up the laughs, you make the "Cliterati" meetings just that extra bit enjoyable and you keep us all healthy by giving us lots to laugh about.
So, anyway - things have been pretty quiet on this home front. Rory is still doing well at school and Lachlan is in his last month or so of his diploma - YEAY! He is up to his ears in assignments at the moment but seems to be still reasonably calm and coping well. I can't wait for him to finish and get a job again though - We need money!
I have been reasonably busy - volunteering (although I'm giving that up for a bit), taking Rory to his psych appointments, bowling (ten pin) on fridays, taking Rory to bowling on Sundays, looking after other peoples children, going to birthday parties and other social outings...... the list never ends. I am supposed to be at bowling this morning, but Rory decided he wasn't going to sleep last night and woke me up (after supposedly having bad and sad dreams) pretty much every hour from about 1:00am till about 5:00am when I just pulled him into bed with me. needless to say, he was too tired to go to school, and I was too tired to go bowling. bugger, I was looking forward to it too.
Craft wise I have been doing more knitted beaded bracelets (as above). I love these. they are so easy to make and I have already sold at least 3. Two are going to be sold as well, but not till a little later when my friends kids have birthdays. The rest I will try to sell at the Spinners Open day later this month.
Also, I am using up stash and crocheting squares that might one day become a smallish blanket (also above). I love spinning fuschia(?) pink, but keep getting slightly different dye lots of fuschia, so I can't knit it all into a jumper or anything - so a crochet blanket is just the ticket. The idea was to just use up the stash I have, but as usual, now that I've got a plan for it, I am going to need to buy more pink wool and silk to spin to make enough squares. That will have to wait though - so once I've completed what I've got, I'll put these squares away, use up my other stash on other projects and when I get a little bit of money again, I'll buy more pink wool.
Ok, so not very interesting stuff, but I am extremely tired (i cleaned the house yesterday too - MY GOD!). I will try to write again soon.
Love peace and joy!