I haven't posted anything for so long, because I really haven't been doing all that much crafty stuff lately. The last couple of weeks at Rory's school were busy and during the second last or last week (can't really remember) we went away to Mooloolaba for a few days. Stayed at the Outrigger Resort - ooh la la. It was fantastic. By far the best resort I have been to (not that I have been to that many.) Thanks Mother In Law for getting me the cheap (well, more less expensive than cheap) deal!
Then the school holidays started and as Lachlan has been up at Woodford volunteering at the festival site most of this month, I have had Rory on my hands pretty much all the time. I have also finally really started to sort out the disaster that is my house. And I mean serious cleaning going on - cleaning the pantry & Fridge and sorting out almost all the cupboards & drawers in the kitchen, scrubbing the bathroom tiles like never before, and generally getting the main living areas in a decent condition (trust me, they certainly weren't before!). Joey came into the house recently and said "who are you and what have you done to Jenny?" It really is a change and I seem to have become this cleaning nut .... probably because I seem to be feeling a lot healthier at the moment and the summer hasn't been anywhere near as hot as usual. It remains to be seen if I can keep it going once Lachlan is back (and not picking up after himself) and school starts again - but I have made my new years resolution that 2007 is going to be the year of the tidy house. Wish me luck!
So.... craft stuff.... well, as I said, I haven't done much, however in the last week I have started to crochet some motifs that I plan to eventually join together and then attach to a white t-shirt in an over-shirt kind of way. I got the idea from the latest Yarn Magazine, but am using different motifs and colours to that used in the article. I am going to use different shades of pink and purple. Here is a few of the 7 or so that I have done already:

So there you have it. that's it on the craft front. I'll post a piccy of the finished product when I finish it - but god knows how long away that is going to be.
Have a very happy new years eve (get drunk for me - I'm being the boring old lady who goes to bed instead) and I hope your 2007 is full of love, laughter, dreams coming true and fantastic new adventures. May the angels walk with you wherever you go.
Love, peace and Joy