Today I skipped spinners (naughty me) and went to the Northey Street City Farm Markets with Joey and Yolanda. Unfortunatley we got there a little late for the markets and most good stuff had been sold and most of the stall holders were packing up. We did, however, go into the City Farm nursery and I bought some plants: Eggplant, Calendula, Dandelion and a grape vine. Hopefully they will do alright, I just need to remember to water them - a bit of a bugger when we are on water restrictions. I planted the Calendula, Dandelion and Grape vine this afternoon. The Eggplants are still seedlings and will need to be put into a pot before put in the ground.
My Dad has been encouraging me to go to the city farm for ages, so Dad, I finally went! And yes it is really good and I plan to go back. For those of you who live in the brisbane area and have never heard of this very cool place, check out their website:
(I tried doing it as a link like in previous posts, but it doesn't want to work - don't know why)
Not much has been happening on the craft front. I did go to some cool craft places in SA (All Seasons Comfort and The Alpaca shop, - both at Hahndorf - are the best!) and although I bought a lot of stuff, I didn't actually do much while I was on holiday. Too busy seeing the sights! I was planning to finish my pink/burgundy bag, but silly me forgot to take my motif pattern down, so I didn't touch the bag. I did start (and frog, and start and frog and finally started again) on a very cute jumper that I found a pattern for, for a child. It's a great Aran kind of knit and to be honest I just couldn't go past the baby on the front cover!! One of those absolutley gorgeous kids that look great in anything and makes you very clucky. The jumper is great too, and if it even looks half as good on my nephew Angus as it does on the kid on the front, I'll be happy.